November 19, 2012

Weekend Update

Hello lovelies!!

I have been sick.
Not the best way to start a weekend update but hey, it's my second weekend having been sick and it just plainly sucked. But, on the bright side, I am getting better. I have to. Thanksgiving is around the corner and being sick cannot be happening on Thursday. No no no!! And besides, my google reader is screaming at me...I have been neglecting it for at least two weeks. :( I feel bad.

So, my main update for this weekend is...

...yes, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't counting down the days until November 16. Ha! Let's just say that much...I loved it. I have to be honest here, when the books came out and then the movies I wasn't at all into any of those. Could not stand them, at all. Let alone that pasty face of a vampire in the film I am not gonna name here because some of you might be lusting over him. All on good terms. I just couldn't stand them. But I was once bored and started watching the first movie, then the second, third, and well now these two parts and oh boy. I'm glad I did!!!! :)

Have you seen it? Let me know what you thought!

Happy Monday!!


P.s. Yes, I'm linking up with Leeann, Sami and Dana for the Weekend Update


Kristen said...

I went to see it this weekend! Loved it!
Feel Better!

Christianna said...

I haven't seen it yet, but I think my mom and I are going tomorrow!

k said...

i'm looking forward to seeing this for sure!! i'm not sure it's here yet, haha :)

Tiffany said...

Hope you feel better soon :)

Anonymous said...

I watched it and I'm LOVIN' it! I cannot wait to go see the new movie!! I'm glad you're feeling better though :) You'll be just great by Thanksgiving, love! :D

Unknown said...

I haven't seen the new one yet. The movies kind of ruined the books for me because the fist two movies were so bad. I've heard this new one isn't too bad though.

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Josh and I went and saw it while I was home for Thanksgiving and I thought it was really good. It's probably the best one in the entire series. I loved their twist...


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