February 18, 2016

Currently {5}

Thinking about: My life. What I'm doing, why I'm doing what I'm doing. The usual. I feel I am tested these days. Life comes in all kinds of shades and forms and that's okay. Sometimes it is a good shade, and lately it is not a good shade. Let's be honest, I think I had happier days. I need to refocus and find a medium that works for me, friends, my man, and our life. I know it's a test. I know not everything is pink filled with butterflies but for crying out loud can it please stop and be at least more comfortable around here? My current life, currently, is not that great but I know there's better days ahead, and I will embrace those better days once found. Telling you, my life is a bit crazy at the moment. :( 

Listening: To the diffuser in the room. It calms me down. It is like one of those things that I can focus on and let myself go. My kitties are asleep, neighbors are surprisingly quiet and all I'm hearing is the silent diffuser diffusing my favorite calming scent away. I feel at peace and at ease. Can't complain.

Watching: The news. It's early in the morning and I always watch the news when I get ready. Coffee on hand of course! Besides what I am doing right this second...I'm watching Gilmore Girls again, Friends again, and a few TV shows that are finally back this year.

Reading: Two books and about to dive into a third one. I am a bit behind reading. I let B choose the books I'm reading this year and it started off with a heavy one, so I am not very motivated to go on but I will. Promise. Update will follow in about a month. 

Loving: That I know life will be better. A rough patch is normal. Having difficulties finding a job is normal. There's worse things in life than that. Also, I'm loving my morning routine with a workout, and a new way to make our bed. It's the little things that make me smile, plus I have this new decor pillow and to see this every morning while putting it in its place makes me happy! Oh, and I am  also loving the milder weather allowing me to keep my winter jacket stored away.

Eating: A lot of veggies, and a lot less meat. I love my meat but we have to cut back for a little while and while I think this isn't torture, the budget won't fully allow eating steak all the time. Also, I am trying to incorporate more healthy snacks and less soda for the both of us. I am already cutting my soda intake for lent, so I have no issues with this one. My man? He struggles.

What are you currently up to?!

1 comment :

Ashley said...

I hope things have been getting better since this post, Selma! Winter is definitely having an effect on me, and so I've been in a bit of a slump, as well.


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