May 16, 2016

Weekly Hopes {42}

Guys, I am back. I believe I am back now on a regular basis. I know I know, I keep saying this and then, baaaammmmm, I vanish for a whole week. One year ago I was in a completely different state of mind. My season last year was a harsh one. Reality kicked in. Reality of course is still kicking my butt but I am handling it all as gracefully as even possible. With that out in the open {again}, I had to take some time to myself and decompress and let May and its dull days be dull and sit back. I focused on work and life rather than on this lovely blog of mine. I truly missed spending time reading and commenting {which, yes, I am going to catch up on with}. I'm excited to announce I believe and feel to be out of that initial slump, that dragging anxiety, that agony and "I don't care" phase. Here's hoping!

So, without further excuses why I wasn't fully blogging and being around here's my weekly hope list for this week:

1 - Blog more often {at least three times: M, W, F}
2 - Be more present on social media platforms 
3 - Apply again
4 - Cheer my man on for all his finals {two more to go}
5 - Get rid of cleaning supplies we no longer use {and it's a lot of bottles my dear readers}
6 - Clean out the medicine cabinet
7 - Cook all week with what we have in our pantry, fridge and freezer
8 - Study at least two hours per day {gives me enough time to do other things and not go overboard}
9 - Visit DMV *insert crying face here*
10 - Morning walks before the heat knocks on our doors again

This week is going to be a hot one. We have temps in the high 90s approaching again and it won't be fun. So early morning walks are a must, all heavy duty movements must be accomplished before 10am. Everything else can be done inside or in the evening. I'm mostly looking forward to B being done with his finals, and me renewing my DL at our awesome DMV {no joke, it's a gorgeous one!!}. Other than that, I want to make our home as clutter free as even possible. I already started throwing away a few thing but I'm going to throw out more. Yes, throw out. I am all for donations but I can't donate expired meds and what not. Gone, gone, gone!!!

What are you looking forward to accomplishing this week?!

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